Cybersecurity tip for the month: Use a password manager

Cybersecurity tip for the month: Use a password manager

Did you know that the average employee in a small company has about 85 unique passwords? That’s far too many passwords to remember! No wonder the same report found that employees reuse their passwords an average of 13 times or inevitably resort to using easy-to-remember but also easy-to-crack passwords. Either path will likely make your business fall victim to a data breach — and true enough, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations (DBIR) 2019 Report reveals that stolen and weak credentials are to blame for 80% of hacking-related breaches.

To alleviate password fatigue and protect against password-related data breaches, the security experts of IT Management Solutions recommend using a password manager.

What is a password manager?

A password manager is a software application that stores, encrypts, and manages all the login information you use for various online accounts. Some password managers also record your other important information such as PINs, credit card numbers and three-digit CVV codes, and answers to security questions.

To unlock your password manager and gain access to all of your online information, you’ll only need to remember one master password. Now that’s way easier than having to remember 85 passwords! Some password managers will even allow you to use biometrics instead of entering your master password.

What are the common features of password managers?

Most password managers come with a password generator that creates unique and complex passwords across countless accounts for you so you won’t be tempted to reuse the same ones.

Automatic form filling is also a common feature for password managers with browser extensions, wherein the appropriate login ID and password pair is provided immediately when a particular URL loads. This can protect you from phishing sites that mimic legitimate websites with almost identical URLs.

Some password managers can even automatically fill in online forms with your personal data such as your full name, email address, contact details, and so on. You can enjoy automatic form filling across all your Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices with the encrypted sync feature of some password managers.

All in all, with a password manager, you’re able to secure your login credentials without sacrificing user experience.

“Password managers are not a magic pill, but for most users, they'll offer a much better combination of security and convenience than they have without them.
Everyone should be using one.”

— Lujo Bauer, security researcher and associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University

How do I get started with using a password manager?

Download and install the same brand of password manager software across your devices and the extension for your browser. Set up an account with your email address and a complex master password.

Afterward, input all of your existing passwords into your account. Many password managers will flag weak and duplicate passwords and ask you to change them using their built-in password generator. The advanced ones can even automate the password-change process for you.

With so many password manager options in the market, how do you know which one to pick? Let IT Management Solutions help you out. We’ll make sure your password manager solution addresses your business’s unique needs. To learn more ways to secure your IT, read our FREE eBook.

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