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What is Remote IT Support? Guide for Cost-Cutting Organizations

For companies that do not want the expense of managing an in-house information technology team, using an outsourced IT service provider is an outstanding option that can provide the level of service and support you require for all customers. All IT functions are handled for you, including:

Network management
New hardware installation
Security and compliance
Remote access solutions
On-site support
Remote access solutions
Mobile device management

These are just a few critical functions your IT service provider will provide, but one of the most crucial will be ongoing remote support.

Infostealer malware on the rise: What to know to stay secure

Experts predict that malware attacks in 2021 will happen about every 11 seconds. It seems like not only do cyberattacks occur multiple times every day, but hackers come up with new versions in record time. One example of a new type of malware, known as infostealer malware, is on the rise, posing a significant threat to businesses of all sizes in various industries.