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5 Success Points Learned from a Shar

I had the pleasure of meeting Daymond John CEO of FUBU and one of the members of Shark Tank. He talked about how he was able to overcome all the obstacles he encounters throughout his life by following 5 simple points.

Today I want to share these 5 points that were shared with me.

MLS Exclusivity: A Challenge for Realtors

Up to the late 1990s, real estate brokerages conducted business with the same tools and business models that had been in place for decades. With the development of the Internet, along came new challenges for real estate brokers that are altering the landscape. One such example is that online brokerages are forcing conventional real estate entities to share their most useful tool called the Multiple Listings System, also known as MLS.

Be Proactive: How to Avoid Potential Network Failures

For small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), an IT network failure can be devastating because they don’t have the resources of large corporations to bounce back from such disasters. Preparation against such devastation may be the only course for them to avoid failure and survive with the least damage if failure occurs. SMBs must be proactive in recognizing the eventuality of a cyber attack or human error that can cause data loss and disrupt business continuity. This is what needs to be done to help prevent a potential failure.

What is Ransomware and How Can it Affect Your Business?

This cyberattack scheme hasn’t garnered nearly as much attention as the usual “break-in-and-steal-data-to-sell-on-the-Internet version,” but it can be even more debilitating. Ransomware attacks have begun appearing in the last few years and its practitioners are so polished that in few cases they even have mini­call centers to handle your payments and questions.