Healthcare IT requires a special approach to planning, budgeting, and execution. Unlike regular businesses, hospitals have to deal with multiple compliance ...
IT Management Solutions
82,000 NEW malware threats are being released every day, and businesses (and their bank accounts) are the #1 target. To make matters worse, a data breach exposing client or patient information can quickly escalate into serious reputational damage, fines, civil lawsuits and costly litigation. If you want to have any hope of avoiding a cyber-attack, you MUST read this report and act on the information we’re providing.
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IT Management Solutions is a trusted Microsoft Gold Partner that specializes in the Salem area. We are a one-stop shop for all of your IT, Internet, hardware and software needs including data backup, security solutions, help desk, cloud and mobile solutions, e-mail, Internet, phone and VoIP solutions and much, much more! Click here to learn more about us.
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IT Management Solutions
Healthcare IT requires a special approach to planning, budgeting, and execution. Unlike regular businesses, hospitals have to deal with multiple compliance ...
IT Management Solutions
IT Budgeting: Best Practices for Small and Medium BusinessesSmall and medium businesses (SMBs) are facing growing IT expenses. As new technologies emerge ...
IT Management Solutions
IT services are among the most outsourced services for businesses worldwide. By 2028, the market volume is expected to exceed $777B, up from $512B in ...